Jude Law Hair Transplant

Updated on 14th May

Male baldness is responsible for more than 95 % of the loss of hair in men. According to American Hair Loss-Association, about 25 % of men start experiencing loss of hair at the of age 21 years, and more than 60 % of men experience some hair loss by the age of 35 years. Hair loss usually affects one’s self-esteem, careers & personal relationships, prompting many men to investigate options that are available for hair transplant, regrowth or replacement.

Jude Law Hair Transplant

Hair loss may occur because of medical conditions or side effects of certain medications, but it mostly occurs because of androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern-baldness (abbreviated as, MPB.) MBP is basically a hereditary condition which causes follicles to develop sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (abbreviated as, DHT). When the sensitivity develops, follicles begin to miniaturize, which in turn shortens the lifespan of the affected follicles. Hair follicles affected by DHT slowly stop producing-hair, thus resulting in male baldness. Luckily, there are several drugs which have been developed and can stop or slow the process if proper treatment is done in the starting stages. Jude Law hair transplant is a great example of a successful hair transplant.

Hair transplant surgery basically uses your healthy hair follicles and then transplants them to the areas where hair follicles have died. Jude Law hair transplant in one such case. A section of the skin that contains follicles is taken or extracted from the back or sides of your head where the hair is still being produced. Tiny slits are then made in the scalp and donor grafts are then implanted into balding areas as seen in Jude Law hair transplant. The number of sessions which are needed in order to cover the bald spots normally vary depending on the size of that bald area. Hair will be transplanted to front and top of the head first since those areas are most noticeable as evident in Wayne Rooney and Jude Law hair transplant. However, hair transplants may probably not be as appropriate for those with very large-bald spots.

Benefits of Hair Transplant

A huge benefit of hair-transplant is that it’s a remarkably effective and versatile procedure. Hair transplant can be used in treating male pattern baldness MPB, scarring, & in facial reconstruction-efforts. Another benefit is that they work almost immediately. Chemical treatments for hair loss may take months or at times years to actually work and they may never give the kind of efficacy which hair transplantation does as evident in Jude Law hair transplant. Hair transplants work immediately and usually, only takes about 4 hours to finish. This kind of immediate-gratification is a definite positive facet of the procedure.

Hair transplant can be basically described as a surgical-transplant of hair from certain other parts of the head to the bald areas. Hair transplants aren’t for everyone and may be somewhat expensive. However, if other forms of hair growth treatment fail, hair transplant-surgery can be the most suitable alternative.

How It Works:

Hair transplant surgery usually works by using permanent fringe-hair around the sides and the back of the scalp. These areas of hair, more so in those who suffer from male-pattern-baldness, is called “donor dominant-hair.” Donor dominant-hair has the ability to grow-on the balding areas where it’s transplanted.

The Procedure

Hair transplant surgery is an outpatient procedure and the patients undergo local-anesthesia before this surgery starts. After anesthesia has been effectively administered, the transplant-surgeon will then remove hair follicles from donor dominant spots and then divide them into individual-grafts. The grafts may contain 1 or 2 hairs (micro-grafts) to 6 hairs (mini-grafts). Once these grafts have been well prepared, they’re inserted underneath your skin on the balding areas and left to regrow new hair patches. This procedure can last around 4 to 8 hours, and in many cases, it needs to be spread out in more than a single visit to the whole area has been fully covered. Jude Law hair transplant is one such great example.


There’s usually a small amount of scarring which will occur/ happens at the donor-site where the donor’s hair was removed. But the rest-of-the hair at donor dominant-hair-site usually covers the scars & makes them nearly impossible to see as seen in Jude Law hair transplant. Scabbing can also occur on the bald-areas where the hair was transplanted. The scabbing usually disappears in 1 or 2 weeks.


After the surgery is done, hair will fall-out of the hair follicles. This doesn’t mean that the surgery failed, it’s merely another part of the hair transplant process. 1 to 3 months after surgery, your normal hair will start growing at the graft sites. Additional hair transplant treatments will give you even thicker hair.